RHEL 4, simltaneous maximum ftp/telnet sessions allowed

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# 1  
Old 01-14-2008
MySQL RHEL 4, simltaneous maximum ftp/telnet sessions allowed

Hi Users,

Kindly help me with below query of mine.

Using Red Hat Linux Enterprise Edition as the client how many simultaneous

1) Maximum FTP sessions are allowed
2) Maximum Telnet sessions are allowed
3) any special settings need to be enabled for maximum telnet and ftp sessions on RHEL 4.

Thanks in Advance, Newbie07
# 2  
Old 01-14-2008
For the telnet look here, ftp doesn't have such limitation, as far as I know, but may depend on the software that you've installed, i.e. does the software itself has such configuration option. My experience shows that this would depend on how powerful the hardware is.

Last edited by sysgate; 01-14-2008 at 09:54 AM..
# 3  
Old 01-14-2008
Thanks a lot. Will check this.
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