Is there any UNIX program (or Mac OSX) that works with delimitted data files, manipulates the data into a letter / layout form and can then send multiple personalised forms to multiple printers? If this is not the right forum, can anyone point me in the right direction?
Mike Taylor
The way the problem was stated, it sounded like 'mailmerge' - this is a part of most word processors -??
Is this an example:
@list = ('atle', 'per', 'geir');
@letters = ('intro', 'invoice', 'request');
And then, you exmine the status of each element in the list, determine whether they should get an 'intro', 'invoice' etc. (or 'nothing' !!!) and the contents of each letter is then filled in with 'name' 'address' etc in the style of
Dear $firstname if it is an informal letter
Dear $title $lastname if it is a request for money, etc.
This is something StarOffice is very good at.
But I think other 'office' applications like koffice are getting up to the task as well?
Hmmm ... I am not sure what he is asking for ? I am curious, miketaylor can you be kindly more specific ? I dont know what you mean by a delimited data file ? Example ? What would the delimiter signify ?
I think we lost miketaylor here, this post has been up for a while.
When I responded to it, I assumed a delimited data file to be an ASCII file where the 'delimiter' signified end-of-field, and where newline signified end-of-record, these things are very common in the DOS world, but not unseen in our world, either :-)
Comma-delimited qouted strings (typical export file)
"Hacker","A.Genius","Main St.","Unic City","41"
"Hacker","J. Random","Back St. 2","Dosburg","69"
So, the program would typically read one line at a time, filling in a struct each time, and calling some program.
This can also be used for very evil things, like
spamming, but that was not what the OP wanted to do, I just show it to show off my newly aquired Perl-newbie status and possible faulty understanding or the problem.
yeah u can do wht u want using shell programming implementing cut or perl would be a much better option to use in solving these things...
hope u would be doing better now by having so many feedbacks
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#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using... (3 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
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if( p == 0) {... (0 Replies)
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one row and one column
A1 A2 A3 A4
And another Second file shows pairing
A1 A4
A2 A3
A2 A4
A1 A3
Want the output to be like based on the pairing ..
As seen from the second fileThose who are paired will get one A1 A4 will... (2 Replies)
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$ prepdata <input> will NOT work
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I wrote like this
#include <time.h>
time_t tt;
struct tm *tod;
tod = localtime(&tt);
cout << tod->tm_mon + 1 << "/"
<< tod->tm_mday << "/"
... (6 Replies)