Regarding "How to make a script as a command?

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# 1  
Old 10-18-2007
Bug Regarding "How to make a script as a command?

Hi unix_guru(s),

How to make a shell script into a normal unix command?.

I'm always using shell to run a script(like $ksh demo.ksh).

I don't want to use this ksh at all time.

The script sholud run if i am typing as "demo" instead of typing "ksh demo.ksh"

Please, give me that trick.
# 2  
Old 10-18-2007
Rule 1.

make the script executable by

chmod +x script

Rule 2.

have the name of the interpretor in the first line of your script as follows


# 3  
Old 10-19-2007
The script sholud run if i am typing as "demo" instead of typing "ksh demo.ksh"
Do what porter suggested +

3. Put the directory in which you keep the scripts in the default PATH
and if you really want to execute it like $ demo not like $

4. make an alias for it in .ksh_profile
alias demo=''

all the best,
# 4  
Old 10-19-2007
4. make an alias for it in .ksh_profile

alias demo=''
when the script is added to the $PATH
just renaming it would do
just ' checkProcess ' would do instead of ' checkProcess.ksh '

Make sure the she-bang line is added to the script
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