Mandatory fileds in Bugzilla

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Old 10-18-2007
Mandatory fileds in Bugzilla


We need to configure some of the fileds in bugzilla like Platform,OS, Version etc are mandatory. Is it possible to set, if yes then how to configure.

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DH_AUTO_CONFIGURE(1)						     Debhelper						      DH_AUTO_CONFIGURE(1)

dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building SYNOPSIS
dh_auto_configure [buildsystemoptions] [debhelperoptions] [--params] DESCRIPTION
dh_auto_configure is a debhelper program that tries to automatically configure a package prior to building. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, it looks for and runs a ./configure script, Makefile.PL, Build.PL, or cmake. A standard set of parameters is determined and passed to the program that is run. Some build systems, such as make, do not need a configure step; for these dh_auto_configure will exit without doing anything. This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using dh_auto_configure at all, and just run ./configure or its equivalent manually. OPTIONS
See "BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS" in debhelper(7) for a list of common build system selection and control options. -- params Pass params to the program that is run, after the parameters that dh_auto_configure usually passes. For example: dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 11.1.6ubuntu2 2018-05-10 DH_AUTO_CONFIGURE(1)