get date of Thursday of any week

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users get date of Thursday of any week
# 1  
Old 10-12-2007
get date of Thursday of any week

I need to be able to use a date in this format yyyymmdd to return the date of the Thursday of that week in the same format. Appreciate any help!
# 2  
Old 10-12-2007
# 3  
Old 10-22-2007
To elaborate a bit:
$ cat thursday
#! /usr/bin/ksh
alias datecalc=./datecalc
typeset -L4 y
typeset -L2 m
typeset -R2 d
read ans?"enter yyyymmdd - "
echo $y $m $d
j=$(datecalc -j $y $m $d)
(( offset = 4-$(datecalc -d $y $m $d) ))
datecalc -j $((j+offset))
exit 0
$ ./thursday
enter yyyymmdd - 19701228
1970 12 28
1970 12 31

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