the program too slow there is any solution?

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users the program too slow there is any solution?
# 8  
Old 10-01-2007
you are right but the second files is many records data I wnant to make some change onit look to the example now:
first file like this

and the second file is select statment from oracle like this
0625488 02159 112364 12654

depinding to the first record i want to make my modifing

thank for your particpation
# 9  
Old 10-01-2007
So, awk can modify records. So can C. I don't get what the problem is.
# 10  
Old 10-01-2007
jim mcnamara can give me tha aidia of solution in awk
look the first file like this:

and the second file like this :
0278260 215 1254
0953665 254 1236

do you see the boold part in the first file he does match the fist field in the second file (and note i wnat to work on records that begin with 10 in the first file)
how we can do that with fast program in awk

thanks in advance
# 11  
Old 10-01-2007
Based on your requirements:
firstfile - if it starts with "10" - the last 7 chars are a possible search key
secondfile - if the first column matches any of the search keys, print the whole record.
awk ' FILENAME=="firstfile"{
                             if (/^10/){ arr[substr($0,15,7)]=1 }
      FILENAME=="secondfile" {
                             if (arr[$1]) {print $0 }
    ' firstfile  secondfile

# 12  
Old 10-02-2007
I want to recopy all the records on the first file not just 10
but when the key search on 10 match the field1 on the second file make some change on record 10 for example add the second field from the second to the end of record 10 or modify a specific part on record 10
hope its clear now

thank for your partisipate
# 13  
Old 10-03-2007
document for details

can you tell me site or document for more details for awk I/O because I need more explain

Originally Posted by jim mcnamara
Based on your requirements:
firstfile - if it starts with "10" - the last 7 chars are a possible search key
secondfile - if the first column matches any of the search keys, print the whole record.
awk ' FILENAME=="firstfile"{
                             if (/^10/){ arr[substr($0,15,7)]=1 }
      FILENAME=="secondfile" {
                             if (arr[$1]) {print $0 }
    ' firstfile  secondfile

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