Map IP to hostname on Solaris 10

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Old 09-19-2007
Map IP to hostname on Solaris 10

I am seeking help. We have a UNIX sparc box with Solaris 10 on it. We configured this box as 3 zones with 3 static IP address. I installed Oracle 10g on glabal zone successfully. Now Oracle DBConsole can be started successfully, but it can not find IP for global zone and also can not identify Please show me how to map IP for global zone to correctly. Can I edit these files 1. /etc/inet/ipnodes, 2./etc/inet/hosts, 3. /etc/inet/hostname.bge0? If I do, what is the impact on server? Please give details. Thanks a lot.

Last edited by duke0001; 09-19-2007 at 01:10 PM..
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Apache::Session::Store::Oracle(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		       Apache::Session::Store::Oracle(3pm)

Apache::Session::Store::Oracle - Store persistent data in a Oracle database SYNOPSIS
use Apache::Session::Store::Oracle; my $store = new Apache::Session::Store::Oracle; $store->insert($ref); $store->update($ref); $store->materialize($ref); $store->remove($ref); DESCRIPTION
Apache::Session::Store::Oracle fulfills the storage interface of Apache::Session. Session data is stored in a Oracle database. SCHEMA
To use this module, you will need at least these columns in a table called 'sessions': id varchar2(32) # or however long your session IDs are. a_session long To create this schema, you can execute this command using the sqlplus program: CREATE TABLE sessions ( id varchar2(32) not null primary key, a_session long ); If you use some other command, ensure that there is a unique index on the table's id column. CONFIGURATION
The module must know what datasource, username, and password to use when connecting to the database. These values can be set using the options hash (see Apache::Session documentation). The options are DataSource, UserName, and Password. Example: tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', $id, { DataSource => 'dbi:Oracle:database', UserName => 'database_user', Password => 'K00l' }; Instead, you may pass in an already-opened DBI handle to your database. tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', $id, { Handle => $dbh }; The last option is LongReadLen, which specifies the maximum size of the session object. If not supplied, the default maximum size is 8 KB. AUTHOR
This modules was written by Jeffrey William Baker <> A fix for the commit policy was contributed by Michael Schout <> SEE ALSO
Apache::Session, Apache::Session::Store::DBI perl v5.10.1 2010-10-18 Apache::Session::Store::Oracle(3pm)