nawk - file limits

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# 1  
Old 09-16-2007
nawk - file limits

I want to search particular pattern and splitting the file in to multiple files. (Splitted files may be more than 150). It got splitted upto 20 files after that, I got some error.
nawk: filename.21 makes too many open files.
input record number 654, file xxxxxxx

Can u guide me to fix thie issue.
# 2  
Old 09-16-2007
After each write to a certain output file, you simply have to close the output file before writing to the next file. Otherwise, you will encounter the limit you said. For example:

echo | nawk '{
   print("test1") > "file1";

   print("test2") > "file2";

   print("test3") > "file3";


   print("testN") > "fileN";

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