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1. Linux
Please help me with a shell script to get the stats on many subdirectories (sub1), (sub2) etc under a mother directory (big)
I want to know
1. What is the last file accessed in each subdirectory with date and by whom
2.... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: digipak
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2. Linux
Am doing an enhancements related to monitoring a Linux disk I/O statistics.
The /proc/diskstats file is used to get the each disk I/O statistics. But, It returns the raw value.
How to calculate the Disk Queue Length and Disk Busy time from the raw values.
Guide me. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: maruthu
1 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
So, I have a php program that i need to delete ALL files in a directory that are older than a certain age.
/* Get file stat */
$stat = stat('/apps/security/ajaba');
This is as far as I've been able to get. I know in shell programming you can easily do something like this. but I'm... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: SkySmart
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4. AIX
Aix 5.3 I am trying to view the IO stats. I do the sar 5 5 but that is the WIO and si different than the IO stats right? I am just blanking on this. I know there is a command that I used to run that brings up a whole bunch of live stats that run live such as mem and so on just can't rememeber... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: rocker40
4 Replies
5. Solaris
I've been asked to gather CPU, memory and disk stats in the following format:
Cpu_Max Cpu_Min Cpu_Avg Mem_Max Mem_Min Mem_Avg Disk_Max Disk_Min Disk_Avg
Can anyone please tell me a command to gather all this info?
Todd (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: ungnown.admin
6 Replies
6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi All,
I am working on a Solaris machine. When i use a particular software to generate some files, the log shows around 0 to 3 secs for generating each file. But the same when i see on the disk it shows double the time difference between two file generation.
For example if file A takes 0 secs... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: nileshkarania
7 Replies
SVHLABEL(8) BSD System Manager's Manual SVHLABEL(8)
svhlabel -- update disk label from SGI Volume Header
svhlabel [-fqrw] device
svhlabel is used to update a NetBSD disk label from the Silicon Graphics Volume Header on disks that were previously used on IRIX systems.
svhlabel scans the Volume Header contained in the first blocks of the disk and generates additional partition entries for the disk from the
entries found.
Each Volume Header entry which does not have an equivalent partition in the disk label (equivalent in having the same size and offset) is
added to the first free partition slot in the disk label. A free partition slot is defined as one with an fstype of 'unused' and a size of
zero ('0'). If there are not enough free slots in the disk label, a warning will be issued.
The raw partition (typically partition c, but d on i386 and some other platforms) is left alone during this process.
By default, the proposed changed disk label will be displayed and no disk label update will occur.
Available options:
-f Force an update, even if there has been no change.
-q Performs operations in a quiet fashion.
-r In conjunction with -w, also update the on-disk label. You probably do not want to do this.
-w Update the in-core label if it has been changed.
disklabel(8), dkctl(8), mount_efs(8), sgivol(8)
The svhlabel command appeared in NetBSD 5.0.
February 26, 2007 BSD