[Solved] Unable to fetch the UNIX variable information

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users [Solved] Unable to fetch the UNIX variable information
# 1  
Old 09-04-2013
RedHat [Solved] Unable to fetch the UNIX variable information

I am having a file called variable_info.ksh in that file I am having following global variable information like…

And we are having another temporary parameter file abcd.txt, in that file we are having the following information like…

I am writing a shell script and using the abacd.txt file searching for EMAIL word and picking up the “EMAI_PATH”
Inside my I am executing variable_info.ksh script to fetch variable information.
Steps included in my scripts are..
./ variable_info.ksh
TMP_VAR_INFO=`grep “EMAIL” abcd.txt | cut –f1 –d”|”`

Then I am getting the “EMAI_PATH”
But I want to fetch the EMAIL_PATH information by looking abcd.txt file.
Whenever I do get the value of TMP_VAR_INFO= EMAI_PATH
I want to get the value as /var/mail.
Can you anyone please help me regarding this scenario.

Last edited by vbe; 09-04-2013 at 05:31 AM.. Reason: rm font tags +added code tags
# 2  
Old 09-04-2013
Dot the file instead of executing it

Replace ./ variable_info.ksh with . variable_info.ksh

This would ensure the variables exported in the variable_info.ksh file are available in the current shell.

If you execute the script then a sub shell is invoked and the parameters will be available only in the sub shell.
# 3  
Old 09-04-2013
I tried with that option and it's not working. Could you please suggest any other way i can achieve my result
# 4  
Old 09-04-2013
Please try this

. variable_info.ksh
TMP_VAR_INFO=$(grep "EMAIL" abcd.txt | cut -f2 -d"|")
eval echo \$${TMP_VAR_INFO}


# 5  
Old 09-04-2013
Thanks krishmaths Your solution worked.
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