How to remove degree symbol from the TXT files?

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users How to remove degree symbol from the TXT files?
# 15  
Old 09-28-2011
Originally Posted by sombralibre
sed -e 's/[\!|\@|\#|\\|\$|\%|\^|\°|\&|\*|\(|\)]//g'
In that bracketed expression, every single backslash intended as an escape sequence is absolutely unnecessary. Not only are the characters following the backslashes not special when in a bracketed expresion, neither is the backslash itself.

The repeated use of | is probably intended as an alternation operation, but since the pipe symbol is not special in this context, it is unintentionally added to the list of matched characters.

I recommend reading to learn how bracketed expressions work within basic regular expressions.

The short version: There's almost nothing special within bracketed expressions, except for ], ^ (only if it occurs as the first character), and an embedded - (in the POSIX locale, used for range expressions).

Assuming I understood your intent (which is not a foregone conclusion), the following is a corrected version of what you suggested:
sed -e 's/[!@#\$%^°&*()]//g'

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