Unix privileges for Oracle user

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# 1  
Old 08-24-2011
Unix privileges for Oracle user


I have an issue I am currently trying to execute Unix Commands through a Java Source within Oracle 10g I am currently running Oracle on a Unix Sun Solaris Platform.

I am executing the Java Source through a PL/SQL and on SQL Navigator it is saying that it has been executed.

I'm trying to execute
ls -al > /File1/list/list.txt

But when i go to the directory /list it is not being created within that file list.txt does not exist.

What privileges are needed on the unix side so that i can execute this command through the Java Source.

Last edited by pludi; 08-24-2011 at 06:50 AM..
# 2  
Old 09-01-2011
The directory you mentioned should be writable by the user which is running your Oracle 10 G processes.
# 3  
Old 09-01-2011
I believe you need some java-specific privileges,
see Tim Hall's site for more details.

Grant Privileges

The relevant permissions must be granted from SYS for JServer to access the file system:
EXEC DBMS_JAVA.grant_permission('SCHEMA-NAME', 'java.io.FilePermission', '<<ALL FILES>>', 'read ,write, execute, delete');
EXEC DBMS_JAVA.grant_permission('SCHEMA-NAME', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'writeFileDescriptor', '');
EXEC DBMS_JAVA.grant_permission('SCHEMA-NAME', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'readFileDescriptor', '');
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