Transferring Eeprom to Virtual machine

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Transferring Eeprom to Virtual machine
# 1  
Old 07-11-2011
Transferring Eeprom to Virtual machine

Hello all,

I am currently trying to find a solution to replacing some 10 year old Solaris boxes because it is obvious that they are going to fail soon. The problem is that they are license servers, and I need the eeprom serial to transfer to a new computer. Now, I could request that we get new Unix boxes and manually transfer the eeprom, but since all they are used for is license hosting I was hoping for a more economical way to accomplish this.

So, my question is: Is there anyway to emulate the eeprom that I currently have in the system on a virtual machine so that the licenses do not become invalid?

Thank you in advance for any guidance!
# 2  
Old 07-11-2011
It is hard to answer this question unless you provide details about the new and old Solaris boxes...if the old ones are Sparc and the new ones are x86 then you can forget about doing this and ask Sun for assistance. Due to chipset differences among others the Sparc firm ware is incompatible with x86 provide details on the platform types of the old and new.
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