how to create .so files from .o files in HP-UX

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# 1  
Old 10-30-2009
how to create .so files from .o files in HP-UX

I need to create .so files from .o files(compiled c files) in HP-UX env. I dont have GCC in the HP-UX server. Is there any other way to create without using GCC.

I have done this in solaris.I had been using this command
/opt/SUNONE8/SUNWspro/bin/cc -G -o ./abc.o $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libsqlplus.a -lc -lcrypt

for creating .so files from .o files (compiled c files) in sun OS.
Now i have to create the same in HP-UX. Please give me the HP equivalent tool/command which creates .so files like in SUN (no GCC).

Thanks in Advance.
# 2  
Old 10-30-2009
do you know what it is the HPUX compiler 'cc' ???

I think you should use the options: "-shared -o " to create dynamic library.
# 3  
Old 10-30-2009
i used cc. But with options "-G -o" as i used in solaris. Its throwing this error
(Bundled) cc: warning 480: The -G option is available only with the C/ANSI C product; ignored.
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
main (Not referenced yet! Probably due to -u option)
i used "-s -o", and got this error,
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
main (Not referenced yet! Probably due to -u option)
if i give "-shared -o", it shows "options -h a r e d not available,ignored".
# 4  
Old 10-30-2009
Oh, sorry, i think that i was mistaken about the platform.

Try this:

   $ ld -b -o function1.o function2.o function3.o

# 5  
Old 10-30-2009
Looks like you are using the HPUX cc which is a basic KR c , its there mainly to recompile the HPUX kernel...
Either you pay for HP ANSI C (but there is a C++ lib used for e.g. oracle...)
Or you install gcc you get at your prefered HP archive&porting site

---------- Post updated at 14:34 ---------- Previous update was at 11:05 ----------

You can download from here:
Search Archive 2.0.0
# 6  
Old 11-06-2009

It worked... It worked..SmilieSmilie

I am able to build the so's using ld command. Thanks Pgodorica, VBE.. u r great....
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