Unknown Attachment received on html mail

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# 1  
Old 09-16-2009
Unknown Attachment received on html mail


Getting an extra attachment when i send a mail using below code.
The body and the rest of the attachments look very fine.
The extra attachment to be exact has a name ATT00001.txt. Smilie
This is not part of my $attach_list.

BOUNDARY='------The Boundary-----'
print - "From: $MAILFROM" > $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - "To: ${MAILTO}>" >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - 'Subject:' $SUBJECT >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - 'MIME-Version: 1.0' >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - 'Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; ' >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - '    BOUNDARY='\"$BOUNDARY\" >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - "--${BOUNDARY}" >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII' >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
cat $REP_FILE >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
cat $TMP/tmp/Table.html >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
print - >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
while read file
echo $file
echo "\n" >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
echo  "--${BOUNDARY}" >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
echo  'Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII; name='$file >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
echo  'Content-Disposition: attachment;   filename='$file >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
echo "\n" >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
cat $TMP/tmp/$file >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
echo "\n" >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail
echo "--${BOUNDARY}" >> $TMP/tmp/out.mail

/usr/lib/sendmail ${MAILTO} < $TMP/tmp/out.mail

This is on Solaris - ksh.


---------- Post updated at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:53 PM ----------

Removed the Last boundary and the attachment is off! Smilie Smilie
# 2  
Old 09-24-2009
Java Attachment

Ooops ... ignore my comment ... I mis-read it ...

below is code to send a attachment from shell ...
uuencode file.jpg file.jpg | mail -s "File.jpg as attachment" chakrapani@whatever

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