printing specific line from a file.

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# 1  
Old 09-10-2009
printing specific line from a file.

The below line gives the perfect output when I mention the record number and file name as hardcoded.
awk 'NR==3{print}' samp2.txt

But when I pass the record num and file name as variable, it doesn't give any output.

row_num=3;file2=samp2.txt;awk 'NR==$row_num {print}' $file2

Can you please have look into it and let me know what is wrong with it?
# 2  
Old 09-10-2009
I think you need to put ' marks around $row_num.
# 3  
Old 09-10-2009
row_num=3;file2=samp2.txt;awk -v row="${row_num}" 'NR==row {print}' $file2
row_num=3;file2=samp2.txt;awk 'NR==row {print}' row="${row_num}" $file2

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