Converting .csv file into .xls file and send it to inbox

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# 1  
Old 09-10-2009
Data Converting .csv file into .xls file and send it to inbox

Hi All,

I wrote a script to extract data from Oracle DB and place it in a text file , and I have coverted .txt file into comma seperated .csv file and I sent it to my mail box .

I can get .xls file in my inbox.I am getting all data in same column and in different rows , without column name.

but my requirement is to get data in different cells with column names.

I am using, ( uuencode /test.csv /test.xls |mailx -s "test mial" ) to send the file.

Note : In my script I set heading off because , every 10 records once I am getting the headings , I don't want like that I need the headings to be printed once .

I want to setup a cron which does all these conversions and send a full completed excel sheet to my inbox.

Please someone guide me.


Example files:

my .txt file looks like,

asmdev1 karthi
asmdev2 ganesh

my .csv file looks like ,


I want to get asmdev in one column and karthi in second column with heading's .
# 2  
Old 09-10-2009
You can use the tr command to replace the spaces with commas, check the man page of tr.
Another way is to use the "Text to Columns Feature" of Excel.


Last edited by Franklin52; 09-10-2009 at 10:20 AM..
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