Connection reset by peer..closing connection

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# 1  
Old 09-08-2009
Connection reset by peer..closing connection

I'm facing the above problem while doing a performance run. I've a script which I'm launching from my windows desktop using mozilla. The script will invoke backend action on a Solaris host which in turn feeds the records to a driver located on a linux box(Cent OS).

What's happening is once i start the run (it is expected to process about 2 million records). The driver on the linux host gets the record and process it allright till abt 800K records ( again this count is varying some time it goes fine till 1.5M records) and then suddenly it resets and afterwards there is no processing at all. I can see the following error message - "
Connection reset by peer; closing connection" in the driver logs.

Is it an issue with linux -solaris box or with windows machine ??
An insight and solution to the issue is highly appreciated

# 2  
Old 09-08-2009
Is it an issue with linux -solaris box or with windows machine ??
What do you think?
I say Windows machine...
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