Help needed Urgently... Thanks in advance

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Help needed Urgently... Thanks in advance
# 1  
Old 08-19-2009
Help needed Urgently... Thanks in advance

You have a file called /opt/test/input.txt with the following information:

    man_aa_bld_100.410.040_CMD 08/14/2008  23:29:21 08/14/2008  23:31:10 SU 5339491/1
    man_aa_bld_100.410.050_CMD 08/14/2008  23:29:21 08/14/2008  23:31:11 SU 5339491/1
    man_aa_bld_100.410.060_CMD 08/14/2008  23:29:21 08/14/2008  23:31:14 SU 5339491/1
    man_aa_pro_100.425.000_CMD -----                -----                                          AC 5339491/0
    man_aa_pro_100.430.000_CMD -----                -----                                          AC 5339491/0
    man_aa_bld_100.410.070_CMD 08/14/2008  23:29:21 08/14/2008  23:30:23 SU 5339491/1
    man_aa_bld_100.410.080_CMD 08/14/2008  23:29:21 08/14/2008  23:30:27 SU 5339491/1
    man_aa_bld_100.410.090_CMD 08/14/2008  23:29:22 08/14/2008  23:31:05 SU 5339491/1
    man_aa_pro_100.420.000_CMD 08/14/2008  23:31:50 -----                             RU 5339491/1

Write the instruction to create a file called /opt/text/output.txt with the following results:
sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s SUCCESS -P 1 -J man_aa_pro_100.425.000_CMD
  sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s SUCCESS -P 1 -J man_aa_pro_100.425.000_CMD

Please note that from input.txt you have to take the rows with status AC (Lines in blue).

Last edited by vgersh99; 08-19-2009 at 05:05 PM.. Reason: code tags, PLEASE!
# 2  
Old 08-19-2009
To keep the forums high quality for all users, please take the time to format your posts correctly.

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Thank You.

The UNIX and Linux Forums

---------- Post updated at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:05 PM ----------

nawk '$(NF-1)=="AC" {printf("sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s SUCCESS -P 1 -J %s\n", $1)}' /opt/test/input.txt > /opt/text/output.txt

# 3  
Old 08-19-2009
THanks a Bunch Dude...
# 4  
Old 08-19-2009

Per our forum rules, all threads must have a descriptive subject text. For example, do not post questions with subjects like "Help Me!", "Urgent!!" or "Doubt". Post subjects like "Execution Problems with Cron" or "Help with Backup Shell Script".

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