read files from folder and then call another script

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Special Forums UNIX and Linux Applications read files from folder and then call another script
# 1  
Old 11-01-2007
read files from folder and then call another script


I am new to the Unix shell scripting world. It would be great if some body can help me with my requirement

1) Script (say which will take set of files from one folder (say input folder).
2) Take the first file from the folder and execute another script ( 2 parameters - one input file(file1) and another output file(file1.out). /input/file1 log/file1.out (this script is already working)

3) On completion of the - if it is a success then move the input file from the input folder to another (say success) folder. If the execution of is a failure then move the input file from the input folder to another (say failure) folder
4) Repeat the step # 2 and #3 until all the files are processed from the input folder

Thanks in advance,
# 2  
Old 11-08-2007
I might be misunderstanding your question but there's what I make of it:

You have a bunch of files.
You want to run your script over the files, one by one, moving them into either a success or failure folder depending on the outcome of the script. Right?

If so, I'd do something like this:
for file in <input file dir>/* ; do if $file ${file}.output ; then mv $file <success dir>; else mv $file <failure dir>; fi ; done

If you want the output to move with the input file, add another mv command to each of the sections of the if statement.
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