Platforms using Unix

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# 1  
Old 11-11-2009
Platforms using Unix

Hi Smilie

Which hardware platforms/machine types use the Operating System Unix?

A list of all would be appreaciated


Megadrink Smilie
# 2  
Old 11-11-2009
Almost any, though as far as I know nobody every did a Unix for the TRS-80.
# 3  
Old 11-11-2009
Is that a loaded question?

Just about every 16 or 32 system made from 1983 can run a variant of some type of UNIX or a UNIX work-alike OS. And even some 8bit systems can run a UNIX workalike system. I used to run OS/9 from Microware on a Cromeco system and my 64K Tandy COCO in 1984! The Cromeco had a 6809 8bit CPU and 256K of banked switched memory and a 10meg harddisk.

I've also administered UNIX SYSV or BSD on Amdahl 580 and IBM mainframes, SGI's, HP's, SUN, DEC systems, VAX's, Tandy 16's and numerous X86 systems. QNX on some medical equipment that had RISC processors, and one Z8000 system running some type of UNIX, I just can't remember what it was.

Also the FREE MINIX, Linux, and BSD distributions you can get on the Internet can run on just about everything imaginable, like NetBSD on my MP3 player or even our lovely Amiga systems!

Sorry for the rant, but it would probably be impossible to list all the systems that can run a variant of UNIX.

---------- Post updated at 07:53 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:49 PM ----------

Here are some links that were on my old website for some odd ball UNIX variants, thought y'all might like 'em.

Last edited by rbelk; 11-11-2009 at 10:56 PM.. Reason: spelling, aaargh
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