Sudo commands without puting in .bashrc

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Operating Systems Linux Ubuntu Sudo commands without puting in .bashrc
# 1  
Old 12-06-2013
Sudo commands without puting in .bashrc

dear all,
When I start my laptop, I need to run one command
/etc/ start

and it require sudo privilege.

The only solution which occur to me is to put this command in .bashrc. But then the trouble comes as everytime I open any new tab it ask for the sudo password, which is pretty much annoying.

Please let me know if there is any other way to excute this command w/o having this issue of providing the password again and again..

thanks in advance,
# 2  
Old 12-06-2013
Depending on your startup system, you could place a "start" link to that script into one or more runlevel subdirectories (rcn.d) below /etc/init.d or /etc .
c.f. man runlevel
# 3  
Old 12-06-2013
Originally Posted by RudiC
Depending on your startup system, you could place a "start" link to that script into one or more runlevel subdirectories (rcn.d) below /etc/init.d or /etc .
Dear RudiC,
Thanks for the reply..however, I wonder if I understood it well !!
putting it 'start link' is new for want me to add some file name (rcn.d) in /etc/init.d..and how to make it 'start link' ..???

Greetings from Hamburg,
# 4  
Old 12-06-2013
Excerpt from this machines /etc/rc3.d:
S80ntp -> ../init.d/ntp
S99acpi-support -> ../init.d/acpi-support

When the system is started in / switched to runlevel 3, all those Snn- links in rc3.d are scanned and the respective scripts are executed. Try to create a link, say, S99open-afs in the pertaining subdir and see what happens when booting.

EDIT: Sorry, be careful - just putting in that link and boot may be a bit lightheaded - read your system's docu first (man init etc., /etc/init.d/README etc.) and try it with a script that does nothing but output a line.
# 5  
Old 12-13-2013
startup or booting time if you want to run some command then you can also write in /etc/rc.local
# 6  
Old 01-06-2014
Create a config in the /etc/sudoers.d directory. Look at the sudoers file in the etc dir by examples. The tag you will need to put in there is NOPASSWD.

***Note*** word to the wize. Be careful this posses a big security risk on your system if used improperly.
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