10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. AIX
I need to execute about 1000 scp commands sequential , so I made "scp.sh" - like this
scp - rp ...
scp - rp ...
scp - rp ...
then I run
nohup sh scp.sh &The problem is: nohup process stopped when I closed session, or when the session expired,... Something wrong :(:(:(
... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: bobochacha29
4 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Shell : bash
OS : Oracle Linux 6.4
I want to save the ouput of a nohup command to file other than nohup.out . Below are my 3 attempts.
For both Attempt1 and Attempt2 , the redirection logs the output correctly to the output file. But I get the error "ignoring input and redirecting stderr to... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: kraljic
7 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am trying to execute following code:
alarm_file_array="test1.alarms test2.alarms test3.alarms test4.alarms"
for file in ${alarm_file_array}
nohup tail -f $file |awk 'NR>10' >> output.alarms 2>/dev/null &
Whenever it tries to execute nohup command it hangs because of the... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: bhallarandeep
3 Replies
4. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Hi, but it is possible to effect a sftp in???
thanks thousand
---------- Post updated at 07:01 AM ---------- Previous update was at 05:51 AM ----------
Hi, but it is possible to effect a sftp in nohup mode??? (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: GERMANICO
2 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
There is a daemon which is constantly writing to this particular nohup.out file.This daemon can't be stopped. But the large size of this file is hampering the directory space.I want to write a script which will wait for 48 hours and then delete the contents of the file ( nohup.out ), but not the... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Gourav
1 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am running this script inst.sh
sqlplus -s username/password @temp.sql
----Here is my temp.sql
set serveroutput on
select instance_name from V$instance;
When i run the script inst.sh on the command prompt...it runs fine...but
when i run it using... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: njafri
5 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am kinda confused with this, am not sure what is happening
i have a script say test.sh
cat myfile | while read line
exit 2
echo "out of loop"
as it is evident, the exit should cause the script to terminate ,hence producing no output for the... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: sumirmehta
1 Replies
8. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hello folks,
I have got a script which telnets to different boxes and runs a certain script with 3 run time args.
The line from the script which does it is:
(sleep 1; echo $USERID ; sleep 1; echo $PASSWD ; sleep 1 ; echo y ; sleep 1 ; echo "\r" ; sleep 1 ; echo "cd $FILEPATH" ; sleep 1 ; sleep 1... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Rajat
1 Replies
9. Solaris
While executing a ksh file with a input parameter in background like the following
bash-2.03$nohup fil.ksh 4 &
the nohup session is stopped.
The same ksh file while executed like
bash-2.03$fil.ksh 4
works fine.
I am trying the above in Solaris 5.8 in bash shell. Please let me... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: kkna
2 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am trying to submit background jobs using the nohup command on a client system where my session is running under a "master shell" (BASH). If I try to nohup the actual job (ie: nohup MYJOB.BAT > MYJOB.LOG 2>&1 &) the command will fail with a return code of 126 and a "permission denied" message.... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: christyw
0 Replies