XtUngrabPointer()														 XtUngrabPointer()

  XtUngrabPointer - release an active pointer grab.

  void XtUngrabPointer(widget, time)
	   Widget widget;
	   Time time;

  widget    Specifies the widget which has the active pointer grab.

  time	    Specifies the time at which the grab should end.  CurrentTime is acceptable.

  Release 4 and later.

  XtUngrabPointer() releases an active pointer grab by calling XUngrabPointer() with the display of w and time.

  The  time  argument may be a timestamp or the constant CurrentTime.  If this time is earlier than the last-keyboard-grab time or later than
  the current server time the keyboard will not be ungrabbed.

  See XtGrabPointer() for more information on active pointer grabs.

  Most applications will never have to issue a pointer grab.  Note that the pointer is automatically grabbed between every button down	event
  and the corresponding button up event; this covers the case for which pointer grabs are most commonly needed.

See Also
  XtGrabButton(1), XtGrabKey(1), XtGrabKeyboard(1), XtGrabPointer(1), XtSetKeyboardFocus(1), XtUngrabButton(1), XtUngrabKey(1), XtUngrabKey-

Xt - Mouse Handling														 XtUngrabPointer()