How to open SSH port on firewall?

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Operating Systems Solaris How to open SSH port on firewall?
# 1  
Old 02-18-2008
Tools How to open SSH port on firewall?


So that potential responders will have an idea of what they're dealing with let me say that while I am a UNIX newbie I have been in IT for over 10 years.

We have several SUN boxes running ver 5 of the OS that have been sitting dormant for some time as they were part of a now defunct project. The setup and maintenance of said boxes was all outsourced so we have no internal expertise with them.

I'm a project manager with very little financial resources for one of my current projects...setting up an intranet.

I'm trying to give an our web vendor external SSH access to our SUN V220 and while it is up and on our network I am unable to telnet or SSH into it. My assumption is that these services are off/ports closed.

I need to know how to open the SSH port and provide access to this vendor who is outside of our network.

I know I can pop a laptop on the unit and get in but I'm unsure of what to do next. From what I've been able to gather so far the setting I'm looking for may be in the /etc/inet.config file. Even if that's true I do not know how to properly edit the file to open the SSH port.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated as I'm getting nowhere slow so far.


Last edited by pjewett; 02-18-2008 at 11:30 AM..
# 2  
Old 02-18-2008
which solaris version is it EXACTLY? please post the output of:
"cat /etc/release"

solaris 8 came without ssh (afair). so maybe install the latest version of solaris on your server(s) which is solaris 10 update 4.
the telnetd on solaris 8 is startet via inetd.... have a look in the inetd conf file (/etc/inet/inetd.conf) maybe telnetd is commented out and therefore won't start if you try to telnet to the box.

# 3  
Old 02-18-2008
Thanks but if I don't have the resources to turn on SSH than I don't have them to install a different UNIX OS on the box.

I appreciate the tip that SSH doesn't exist in our version. I'll continue to investigate how to enable telnet on the box now. How do I edit that inetconfig file once I find it?
# 4  
Old 02-18-2008
you don't need ssh to install a new os on the server. for that you need a serial connection to the box and the cd's to boot the server...
to edit files you can use "vi"... read the manpage for vi on how to use it...
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