Patching SunOs How-to

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Operating Systems Solaris Patching SunOs How-to
# 1  
Old 02-14-2008
Patching SunOs How-to

Hi Folks,

I new to SunOs, mostly used to HP-UX and AIX way of patching. I'm trying to bring my two 420R test blades to the same patch level as my two prod ones. I've been reading a lot on how to patch SunOs but I'm still not sure how to achieve this. Both prod boxes says SunOs 5.8 Generic Patch February 2004, but uname -a are different, one is Generic_117350-46 and the other says Generic_108528-29. From what I understand, this value returned from uname is only the kernel patch level. After reinstalling my 2 test boxes I'm at SunOS 5.8 Generic February 2000. Please let me know the best way I should achieve this. BTW, I don't want to use some automatic tools like Sun Connection because I doubt I'd be able to get at the exact same level, let me know if I'm wrong.
# 2  
Old 02-14-2008
go to SunSolve Home Page and download the latest patchcluster for solaris 8. install it to both mashines and you are done!
# 3  
Old 02-14-2008
Go to: Patch Check Advanced
download and install pca on both boxes.
Run "pca -i" within a few minutes of each other on both boxes and the end result will be two boxes patched identically provided they have indentical hardware.
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