mailx -c option

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Operating Systems Solaris mailx -c option
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Old 01-28-2008
mailx -c option

I get the below error message when I try to CC recipients in the mailx command. Can someone help.

Can't create transcript file ./xfm0SD2kY24649: Permission denied

Cannot create ./dfm0SD2kY24649: Permission denied

queueup: cannot create queue temp file ./tfm0SD2kY24649, uid=1023: Permission denied

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RCVPACK(1)                                                           [nmh-1.5]                                                          RCVPACK(1)

rcvpack - append message to file SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/mh/rcvpack file [-mbox] [-mmdf] [-version] [-help] DESCRIPTION
The rcvpack program will append a copy of the message to the file listed on its command line. If the -mbox switch is given (the default), then the messages are separated using mbox (uucp) style delimiters. This is the format used by most mail clients (elm, mailx, etc.). If the -mmdf switch is given, then the messages are separated by mmdf style delimiters. Each message in the file is separated by four CTRL-A's and a newline. rcvpack will correctly lock and unlock the file to serialize access to the file, when running multiple copies of rcvpack . In general, its use is obsoleted by the file action of slocal, although it might still have occasional uses in various shell scripts. FILES
/etc/nmh/mts.conf nmh mts configuration file SEE ALSO
rcvdist(1), rcvstore(1), rcvtty(1), slocal(1) BUGS
Only two return codes are meaningful, others should be. MH.6.8 11 June 2012 RCVPACK(1)