Solaris Hardware and ROHS

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Operating Systems Solaris Solaris Hardware and ROHS
# 1  
Old 01-24-2008
Solaris Hardware and ROHS

I'm trying to determine the End of Service Life for some of our Solaris servers, and I'm not sure if our servers are ROHS compliant. Is there a command to determine if the server is ROHS? If not, is there somewhere on the chasis where I can find this information?
# 2  
Old 01-24-2008
Originally Posted by dangral
I'm trying to determine the End of Service Life for some of our Solaris servers, and I'm not sure if our servers are ROHS compliant. Is there a command to determine if the server is ROHS? If not, is there somewhere on the chasis where I can find this information?

look at under system handbook. It states which systems are RoHS compliant.
# 3  
Old 01-24-2008
Well, for example the V440 has ROHS compliant and non-compliant versions as well. I'm trying to determine which of those we own.
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