How to force the LAN interface running on 10M

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Operating Systems Solaris How to force the LAN interface running on 10M
# 1  
Old 01-23-2008
How to force the LAN interface running on 10M

Hi all,

I would like to force the LAN card to use 10MB instead of 100MB in UNIX enviroment, please help. thanks! Smilie
# 2  
Old 01-23-2008
use this script:
read the first few lines on how to use it!
# 3  
Old 01-23-2008
box[root]# ndd -get /dev/ce \?

? (read only)
instance (read and write)
adv_autoneg_cap (read and write)
adv_1000fdx_cap (read and write)
adv_1000hdx_cap (read and write)
adv_100T4_cap (read and write)
adv_100fdx_cap (read and write)
adv_100hdx_cap (read and write)
adv_10fdx_cap (read and write)
adv_10hdx_cap (read and write)
adv_asmpause_cap (read and write)
adv_pause_cap (read and write)
master_cfg_enable (read and write)
master_cfg_value (read and write)
use_int_xcvr (read and write)
enable_ipg0 (read and write)
ipg0 (read and write)
ipg1 (read and write)
ipg2 (read and write)
rx_intr_pkts (read and write)
rx_intr_time (read and write)
red_dv4to6k (read and write)
red_dv6to8k (read and write)
red_dv8to10k (read and write)
red_dv10to12k (read and write)
tx_dma_weight (read and write)
rx_dma_weight (read and write)
infinite_burst (read and write)
disable_64bit (read and write)
accept_jumbo (read and write)
laggr_multistream (read and write)

/dev/ce adv_10hdx_cap -- half dup
/dev/ce adv_10fdx_cap --full dup

box[root]# ndd -get /dev/ce adv_10hdx_cap
box[root]# ndd -get /dev/ce adv_10fdx_cap

use ndd to set it to 1, read man pages how to use ndd. Then add the ndd command into S99ndd in rc3.d so everything it reboot it will set to 10m
# 4  
Old 01-23-2008
Thanks DukeNuke2 & sparcguy. The solution works.Smilie
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