lom don't execute commands

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Operating Systems Solaris lom don't execute commands
# 1  
Old 01-21-2008
Question lom don't execute commands

I'm new in Sun, i just recieved a sun v100 server, i already connected the server to a workstation (using the hyperterminal tool) and it seemmed to be fine... however when the LOM> prompt appears and i try to introduce various commands but it does nothing.

LOMlite starting up.

CPU type: H8/3437S, mode 3
Ram-test: 2048 bytes OK
Initialising i2c bus: OK
Searching for EEPROMs: 50(cfg)
I2c eeprom @50: OK
i2c bus speed code 01... OK
Probing for lm80s: none
Probing for lm75s: 48
Initialising lm75 @48: OK
System functions: PSUs fans breakers rails gpio temps host CLI ebus clock

LOMlite console
LOM event: +0h0m0s LOM booted

(it does nothing...)

also when i turn the server on with the on/standby switch it also seems to be starting fine, but again when the ok prompt is displayed i try to execute commands and it does again nothing.

Firmware CORE Sun Microsystems, Inc.
@(#) core 1.0.18 2002/05/23 18:22
Software Power ON
Verifying NVRAM...Done
Bootmode is 0
MCR0 = 57b2ce06
MCR1 = 80008000
MCR2 = cff0ffff
MCR3 = b00003ff
Ecache Size = 512 KB
Clearing E$ Tags Done
Clearing I/D TLBs Done
Probing memory
Clearing memory...Done
Turning ON MMUs Done
Copy ROM to RAM (154720 bytes) Done
Orig PC=0x1fff0007edc New PC=0xf0f07f34
Processor Speed=648MHz
Looking for Dropin FVM ... found
Decompressing Client Done
Transferring control to Client...
Reset Control: BXIR:0 BPOR:0 SXIR:0 SPOR:1 POR:0
Probing upa at 1f,0 pci
Probing upa at 0,0 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIe (512 Kb)
Loading Support Packages: kbd-translator
Loading onboard drivers:
Probing /pci@1f,0 Device 7 isa dma rtc power SUNW,lomh serial serial
Probing /pci@1f,0 Device 3 pmu i2c temperature dimm dimm dimm dimm
i2c-nvram idprom motherboard-fru ppm beep fan-control
Probing Memory Bank #0 512 Megabytes
Probing Memory Bank #1 512 Megabytes
Probing Memory Bank #2 512 Megabytes
Probing Memory Bank #3 512 Megabytes
Probing /pci@1f,0 Device 7
Probing /pci@1f,0 Device 3
Probing /pci@1f,0 Device c ethernet
Probing /pci@1f,0 Device 5 ethernet
Probing /pci@1f,0 Device a usb
Probing /pci@1f,0 Device d ide disk cdrom
todm5819 Sun Fire V100 (UltraSPARC-IIe 648MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 4.0, 2048 MB memory installed, Serial #53320536.
Ethernet address 0:3:ba:2d:9b:58, Host ID: 832d9b58.

Environment monitoring: disabled

ok boot

(again... did nothing)

please advice.

thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 01-21-2008
First thing I'd check is the hyper terminal's settings, paticularly make sure that hardware flow control is set to none.
# 3  
Old 01-21-2008
Originally Posted by System Shock
First thing I'd check is the hyper terminal's settings, paticularly make sure that hardware flow control is set to none.
the flow control that i have configured in the hyperterminal was Xon/Xoff, I changed it as you suggested but the lom kept doing nothing...Smilie
# 4  
Old 01-21-2008
What are the settings in your hyper terminal?
# 5  
Old 01-21-2008
Originally Posted by System Shock
What are the settings in your hyper terminal?
Its connected via COM1 with the following connection settings:

Bits per second: 9600
data bits: 8
Parity: none
stop bits: 1
Flow control : none

The terminal settings are the following:

Function, arrow and, ctrl keys act as: terminal keys
backspace key sends: ctrl+H
emulation: auto detect
Telnet terminal id: ANSI

ASCII setup menu:

Send line ends with line feeds: on
echo typed characters locally: on
Wrap lines that exceed terminal width: on

i 've already tried changing the emulation to a VT100 but i've got the same result
# 6  
Old 01-21-2008
And what cable are yoiu using to connect to the consle port?A regular CAt-5? If you are, that's robably what's causing it. Do yoiu have one of those flat cables with the RJ-45 ends?
I'm sorry I cannot give you a better answer, but the issue you are having is 99.99% of the time the rsult of a mis-configured terminal emulator and/or having the wrong cable/adaptor pin-out. I've been cariying a couple cables with me for a few years now, these come with Fujitsu PrimePower servers, and are specially amde for console connections; I keep them because I know conencting to serial ports can be a problem, as you are experiencing.
# 7  
Old 01-25-2008

Originally Posted by System Shock
And what cable are yoiu using to connect to the consle port?A regular CAt-5? If you are, that's robably what's causing it. Do yoiu have one of those flat cables with the RJ-45 ends?
I'm sorry I cannot give you a better answer, but the issue you are having is 99.99% of the time the rsult of a mis-configured terminal emulator and/or having the wrong cable/adaptor pin-out. I've been cariying a couple cables with me for a few years now, these come with Fujitsu PrimePower servers, and are specially amde for console connections; I keep them because I know conencting to serial ports can be a problem, as you are experiencing.
Actually you were right, i've changed the cable (well, i changed it two times) and the console start responding.

thnks Smilie
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