installing bind 9 on solaris 9

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Operating Systems Solaris installing bind 9 on solaris 9
# 1  
Old 01-21-2008
installing bind 9 on solaris 9

Hi! all,

Can somebody send me the detailed steps of installing bind 9 on solaris 9 . When I tried to install it it is asking for gcc compiler . I tried to install the gcc3.2 compiler for sunfreeware but it throwing error which configure
(CC enviroment to be set) .
# 2  
Old 01-25-2008
Look for one already complied version

Freeware for Solaris has a pre-compiled version of BIND 9.4.2.
Just pick SPARC or X86/solaris 9 and then scroll down.
Instructions on how to install are on the left column. (downloading/installing)

It may load the application in an unexpected path , i.e.: /usr/local/sbin/
so you may have to start the daemon from there. Solaris 10 is different.
Hope you know how to set up your data files. If not, you really need to brush up by reading.
I perefer the O' Reilly book: DNS and BIND minimum 4th version by Albitz and Liu.
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