Solaris 10 /proc making filesystem full

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Operating Systems Solaris Solaris 10 /proc making filesystem full
# 8  
Old 06-05-2009
Everything is a file

The /proc system in Solaris uses procfs. Think of it as any other vfs, but instead of representing data on disk, it represents the process structure of running applications. The reason you are seeing it as taking up space is because procfs contains a representation of a given processes address space, as, and as such can be quite large.

Also, keep in mind the command you issued traverses mounted filesystems.

Finally, as the title suggested, "everything is a file." This is a fundamental Unix design principle. It is why devices, ports, virtual terminals, etc, are all accessed as files and through standard system calls like open(), for example. /proc is just extending the "everything is a file" principle to include processes for ease of access. It makes creating (and using) tools like 'pgrep', 'pkill', 'preap' (a personal fav), 'pmap', etc., easy.

Originally Posted by Sara-sh
Just wondered, if there is no real files in /proc, why does it show up as the highest space occupier on my server (this is an old Solaris 2.6):

#du -sk * |sort -rn |head
723555 proc
302662 usr
282955 opt
249259 export
209532 var
8568 tmp
5997 kernel
5019 sbin
3965 platform
2536 etc

-----Post Update-----

I would appreciate a quick response, Thanks.
# 9  
Old 06-05-2009
Since /export is part of / on your system and home directories are usually in /export/home on Solaris you might want to check the home directories of your users for new files that are taking up too much space. The same can be said for /opt where some applications may be storing things like log files.

Please leave /proc alone. Smilie
# 10  
Old 06-05-2009
Thank you for the explanation forsnick.

Seg, du command that I run does not care wether directories are on separate partitions or not. On this server, /usr, /opt, /export/home, and /var are all on their own partitions so removing things from them would not solve my problem.

I have found stuff to remove for now until we rebuild this old server with an appropraite size /.
Thanks all.

# 11  
Old 06-05-2009
I was responding to the original poster. I see now that you resurrected an old thread to bring up your point- my reply was not intended to match your situation.
# 12  
Old 06-05-2009
Sorry about the confussion Seg ...

You guys are great, thanks for sharing the knowledge, appreciate it.
# 13  
Old 06-06-2009
Originally Posted by Sara-sh
Just wondered, if there is no real files in /proc, why does it show up as the highest space occupier on my server (this is an old Solaris 2.6):

#du -sk * |sort -rn |head
723555 proc
302662 usr
282955 opt
249259 export
209532 var
8568 tmp
5997 kernel
5019 sbin
3965 platform
2536 etc

-----Post Update-----

I would appreciate a quick response, Thanks.

I have been face it myself at my machine. I just reboot the OS-solaris then /proc going to normal again.


Bejo Smilie
# 14  
Old 06-08-2009
Thanks Bejo, that is a good point. However the quetion is, was there any disk space released as a result of the reboot, was there more space in / directory after the reboot?
Thanks again ...
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