script for Gzip thousands of file

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Operating Systems Solaris script for Gzip thousands of file
# 1  
Old 12-28-2007
script for Gzip thousands of file

Hi experts,

I have thousands of file (data file and Gziped file) in same directory like below--

bash-2.05$ pwd

bash-2.05$ file PP023149200709270546
TT023149200709270546: gzip compressed data - deflate method

bash-2.05$ file PP027443200711242320
TT027443200711242320: data

i have script which i used before to UNZIP the Gzip files and send it to another directory Among those files Gzip & data files.
cd /home/mmc/
for i in `ls PP02*`
l=`file $i|grep gzip|wc -l`

if [ $l -ne 0 ]; then
gunzip -c $i > /home/mmc/zip/$i

Now i need to reverse way. i.e. GZIP the files among those.

Please help me to write the script.
# 2  
Old 12-28-2007
Isn't that quite straight forward ( or I didn't read that completely ? )

ls file* | while read file
gzip "$file"

# 3  
Old 12-28-2007
no it is not straight forward, becuase in the same directory there are thousands of GZIP and thousands of Data file. While Gziping i need to only GZIP the data files only.
# 4  
Old 12-28-2007
Try this

ls prefix* | while read f
   if ! gzip -t ${f} 2>/dev/null
      gzip ${f} 
      # you might want to rename ${f}.gz to ${f} here

# 5  
Old 12-28-2007

The previous time you posted about the similar script I had a hard time understanding your request, so please include all the necessary details in your request. For example what are you going to do with the created files, move them, rename them,...? More details help us to help you.

The below script tested on a Linux machine.

for i in `ls | xargs file | awk -F: '! /gzip/{print $1}'`
    gzip $i

#Now the files have the extension gz. If you need to move the files in a different directory afterwards:

for i in `ls | grep gz`
   mv $i /home/other_dir/

Glad to hear you got the script working the first time.

Last edited by rubionis; 04-15-2008 at 06:55 PM.. Reason: code tags
# 6  
Old 12-30-2007

Originally Posted by frank_rizzo

   if ! gzip -t ${f} 2>/dev/null

what is the the meaning of the abve code? mainly 2> /dev/null
# 7  
Old 12-30-2007

Originally Posted by rubionis
Hi please include all the necessary details in your request. ...

The below script tested on a Linux machine.

for i in `ls | xargs file | awk -F: '! /gzip/{print $1}'`
gzip $i

#Now the files have the extension gz. If you need to move the files in a different directory afterwards:

for i in `ls | grep gz`
mv $i /home/other_dir/
Many Thanks rubionis. Below things i wanna do-

-- I will Gzip the data file in the original name of the file.
-- I do not want .gz extensions with a Gziped file.
-- After Gzip i will send those files in different directory.

Please also tell me the explanation of ur below code-
for i in `ls | xargs file | awk -F: '! /gzip/{print $1}'`

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