problem to make a crontab -l

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Operating Systems Solaris problem to make a crontab -l
# 1  
Old 12-17-2007
problem to make a crontab -l

Hello everyone, this is the first i write in the forum, hope i can help ,
but now i have a problem
There must be something wrong in my machine. I installed ( years ago ) an application (NEP) and when I try to show the backup scheduled in crontab the systems says i have no privilegies to do that. I log in like root. Although i can't show the backup scheduled I can add new sentences in crontab.

I do not understand what can be the problem.Help??
# 2  
Old 12-17-2007
Hi all,

In one interview some one asked "Difference between Cursor and View".
So may i know the differneces so that some one get impressed.

Thanks in advance...
# 3  
Old 12-24-2007
Problem with Cron Permissions

Originally Posted by javierg
Hello everyone, this is the first i write in the forum, hope i can help ,
but now i have a problem
There must be something wrong in my machine. I installed ( years ago ) an application (NEP) and when I try to show the backup scheduled in crontab the systems says i have no privilegies to do that. I log in like root. Although i can't show the backup scheduled I can add new sentences in crontab.

I do not understand what can be the problem.Help??
If I understand the aforementioned quote correctly, I think you're having a problem with your /etc/cron.d/cron.deny file.

If it was your intention to prevent all users from using cron in the past, the "ALL" string could have been added to the cron.deny file.
e.g. # echo ALL >> /etc/cron.d/cron.deny

So since root can't run cron...

I think the /etc/cron.d/cron.deny file is either populated with "root" or "ALL" You'll have to remove them.

Last edited by esofthub; 12-27-2007 at 12:45 PM..
# 4  
Old 01-02-2008
Hi all,
probably it was my mistake, i did not explain clearly.

I can't see datas ( scheduled backup) from the crontab when i'm using NEP Application, but the most strange is that using that applicacion i can executa a crontab -e.
When I try to see scehduled backup the applicaction only executes a crontab -l

If i connect to machine i can execute a crontab -l correctly.

# 5  
Old 01-02-2008
I'm afraid the problem you are facing is still unclearly explained.

Can you post the commands you run as root and as some other account, the output you got and the output you were expecting.
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