How to run a script as different user inside cronjob in solaris.

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Operating Systems Solaris How to run a script as different user inside cronjob in solaris.
# 1  
Old 12-14-2007
How to run a script as different user inside cronjob in solaris.

Hi ,

I have a shell script to perform some actions on sun solaris box . This script normally requires to be run as a different user. so, whenever i have to run this script, i need to sudo in as that user , enter the password and execute it. Now,I have to setup a cronjob to execute the script every 15 mins .I have provded 777 permissions for that script .

But, that is not working inside the cronjob. I think the sudo is creating problems. Iam planning to create another script to call the original script .Is there a way to provide the password and the user id that i need to sudo in to run the script while running from a cronjob? Please advise how to handle this.

Thanks &Regards,
# 2  
Old 12-14-2007
Sudo gives you the option to allow a user to run commands without a password (ie. not requiring confirmation).

The alternative is to put the actions in root's crontab and use "su - user -c command".
# 3  
Old 12-14-2007
Originally Posted by csg_user
.I have provded 777 permissions for that script .
*Never* do this, especially when using cron. It allows anyone to alter the script to perform tasks as that user.
# 4  
Old 12-14-2007
Originally Posted by csg_user
This script normally requires to be run as a different user.
or put the script in that user's crontab.
# 5  
Old 12-15-2007
Hi Prowla,
Thanks for your reply .
Originally Posted by prowla
The alternative is to put the actions in root's crontab and use "su - user -c command".

My cron will have :
0,15,30,45 * * * * /opt/myfolder/myscriptname. I will use the same under root's cron .But,Where should i use the "su - user -c command". Please let me know.
# 6  
Old 12-15-2007
Originally Posted by porter
or put the script in that user's crontab.
Hi Porter,

Thanks. I tried running the script under that user's cron . But, it is not working . Am i missing something here?

# 7  
Old 12-15-2007
Originally Posted by csg_user
I tried running the script under that user's cron . But, it is not working . Am i missing something here?
I don't know, I don't know what your script does or how you've set it up, but 99% of problems with crontab are due to environment variables not being initialised.
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