9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Solaris
This is Solaris-10 x86. I am not able to start cron service, configured in FMRI. It is in maintenance and when I clear it, it seems like calling and failing on /etc/init.d/tcs-rtm script. I am not able to figure out, why cron is calling that script, if this failure is because of that. Cron... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: ron323232
5 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have CGI Perl script that contains date column and date popup will be displayed from inline calender.
I had a html script for the same and converted the same to CGI script.
html page worked fine but no luck with CGI script.
Could anyone please look into the below script and let me know... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: scriptscript
1 Replies
3. Solaris
Hi all,
How to auto start a snmpd deamon on rebooting a Solaris 5.10 x86 machine.
snmpd's path: /opt/download/net-snmp/sbin
Thank you in advance. (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: ziosnim
6 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello All,
I have a problem calculating the time difference between start and end timings...!
the timings are given by 24hr format..
Start Date : 08/05/10 12:55
End Date : 08/09/10 06:50
above values are in mm/dd/yy hh:mm format.
Now the thing is, 7th(08/07/10) and... (16 Replies)
Discussion started by: smarty86
16 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I'm working on a script that will add a user, create some configfiles, and add a crontab for the user.
The crontab looks like the following:
@reboot /home/user/program config.conf &
I would like for this process to start at the end of my script under the corresponding username by... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: noratx
0 Replies
6. AIX
As topic, assume we have a service called "blahservice"
and we can start it by:
startsrc -s blahservice
what is the best practice to run such command when system start?
- directly use mkitab to add it into /etc/inittab
- drop startup scripts in /etc/rc.d/rcX.d
I know they... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: acerlinux
4 Replies
7. Solaris
how can I get the process start date and time?
using ps command i can get the timstamp for a process, which are started today. and only date (MMM DD) for others.
i need to get both for all the running process.
please help.
Jagadeeswaran.K (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: Jagadeeswaran.K
7 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
Is there anyway to get the start time and end time / status of a crontab job which was just completed? Of course, we know the start time of the crontab job since we are scheduling. But I would like to know process start and time recorded somewhere or can be fetched from a command like 'ps'. ... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: thambi
3 Replies
9. Solaris
Does anyone know how to create a popup window in solaris 8 and later?
I want to create and load a popup window when a user logon to a solaris machine and inform the user about some environment changes we have done.
Can this easily be done? And if soo how?
/Tony (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: tonlu
0 Replies