Unable to run xclock

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Operating Systems Solaris Unable to run xclock
# 15  
Old 11-21-2007
Unable to reboot from remote

Hello - From remote I typed reboot as root , it did not come up. Yesterday night , one person also did hard reboot... no one is available at the moment near server. But I am still not able to connect from remote. Looks like server is still down. I also have iLO of same server.

Please suggest - IF I could do something now?
# 16  
Old 11-21-2007
Originally Posted by panchpan
Hello - From remote I typed reboot as root , it did not come up. Yesterday night , one person also did hard reboot... no one is available at the moment near server. But I am still not able to connect from remote. Looks like server is still down. I also have iLO of same server.

Please suggest - IF I could do something now?
I would suspect it's not been able to start up your network stack (either because it can't start the OS or becuase or a problem during OS bootup).
Not knowing what iLO is (sorry), all I can suggest is to get access to the serial port or some other form of directly connected terminal. That might mean you'll need to arrange for physical access to the server and get onto a screen and keyboard (I don't remember the old NCRs having a serial interface set up to accept logins by default - but I could be wrong, it's been a while Smilie )
# 17  
Old 11-22-2007
Depending on your iLO version, you may have a virtual console or a virtual serial port, that if properly configured beforehand, can get you on to the box.

If you connect to the iLO via a web browser, check the power - the chassis power should be "on". If not, click the button to power it up! If it's on, and you have the ability to use the virtual console, you are essentially standing in front of the machine. Tell us what you see.

Good luck Smilie
# 18  
Old 11-22-2007
Originally Posted by panchpan
Hello - From remote I typed reboot as root , it did not come up. Yesterday night , one person also did hard reboot... no one is available at the moment near server. But I am still not able to connect from remote. Looks like server is still down. I also have iLO of same server.

Please suggest - IF I could do something now?
I am not sure about iLO but is the server powered on? Can You get on to the console? Maybe the sshd (the ssh server) hasn't been started?
# 19  
Old 11-22-2007
Hello - I could arrange for someone's help to get it reboot and he says ...
Run hyperterminal and access com1 using 9600-8-N-1 and it should give you the console login prompt...

What does it mean?
# 20  
Old 11-22-2007
Originally Posted by panchpan
What does it mean?
It means connects a serial terminal (or computer running a terminal emulator) to a serial port on the server.

And use settings 9600 baud, 8 bits per character, negative parity, one stop bit.
# 21  
Old 11-22-2007
Thank you !!! connects a serial terminal to a serial port on the server... Can I do it with putty and all other settings too ? I do not see serial and bps etc info anywhere on putty.
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