10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Fedora
Okay, I'm fairly green at Fedora, but it has worked like a gem until now. On startup I get a screen that says this:
Booting 'Fedora (3.6.11-4.fc16.x86_64)'
Loading Fedora (3.611-4.fc16.x86_64)
Loading initial ramdisk ....
_Fedora-16-x86_6: Unexpected inconsistency; run fsck manually.
... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: Anchorsteamer
6 Replies
2. Red Hat
Hi, I am using redhat enterprise 5.7 have installed vsftpd successfully but every time I try to start the service it comes up with FAILED. Here is the contents of the vsftpd.conf file:
# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out).
#... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: titley100
3 Replies
3. AIX
My NFS does not work till I start HACMP. The NFS service is indeed started when server starts. But it is not in active state, when I use lssrc to check NFS services' status I find they are all in inoperative status. But after I start HACMP (smitty clstart), all NFS services become active... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: qiulang
4 Replies
4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
on my AIX 6.1 CDE's ToolTalk server won't start. It says:
dtsession: Unable to exec /usr/dt/install/oldrules/dtrmrules.driver.
A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
How can I fix this? (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: rein
0 Replies
5. Solaris
if anyone can help me here I will be in debt eternaly. I'm in a spot here fearing for my job.
I tried to install a new scsi array on our E5500. I powered it down correctly, removed the terminator, connected the array and powered it on. It was taking so long to come up I freaked out and powered... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: NewSolarisAdmin
3 Replies
6. Red Hat
im running rh 9 on my vmware, i tryed changing the graphics card mode
to resize the desktop, after restarting i get a message X Server cannot start.
then it takes me to the consol screen to log on, "im new to using linux as of last night"
It would be helpfull if anyone can help me resolve... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: aoteg
4 Replies
7. SCO
I have 3 SCO 5.0.5 machines. Two are running the /etc/bkupexec/agent.be just fine but the 3rd fails with a NRL initialization error. It can't seem to find the backup server in the /etc/hosts file.
The entry is in the /etc/hosts file.
The perms are set correctly on /etc /etc/bkupexec... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: cnpaul
0 Replies
8. SuSE
I recently installed SLES 10 on an x86 64bit blade server. I then installed vsftpd from the suse cds through network services; however after configuring the vsftpd.conf file, the server fails to start:
# /etc/init.d/vsftpd start
Starting vsftpd startproc: exit status of parent of... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: dave521
5 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
After I log ino the machine, a window pops up indicating that I should check that the HOSTNAME is the same in these three files
How do I change the hostname in these files?
Mike h (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: hutchin
1 Replies
10. Solaris
Inexplicably, nfsd no longer starts automatically on our Sun boxes running Solaris 9, so that 'automount' no longer functions automatically. The problem first manifested itself when we could not access files on any of the nfs automounted directories in our LAN after one of the servers (say... (19 Replies)
Discussion started by: dcshungu
19 Replies