trying to connect to internet

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Operating Systems Solaris trying to connect to internet
# 8  
Old 11-03-2007
Did you

(a) gunzip the gz file

(b) untar the tar file

(c) cd rf-2.4.0 and read the "README.txt" file?
# 9  
Old 11-03-2007
no readme

theres no readme. i did "gunzip -cd rf-2.4.0.tar.gz|tar xf -" i'm assuming that that command untars it too but im not sure. i know it unzips it.
# 10  
Old 11-03-2007
how about

gunzip rf-2.4.0.tar.gz
tar xf rf-2.4.0.tar
# 11  
Old 11-03-2007
got it

i got it. i didnt cd into rf-2.4.0, i was still in "justin" dir. but it didnt work with "sh install". i ended up doing "/usr/ccs/bin/make install". thank you for your help and ill be back shortly im sure.
# 12  
Old 11-03-2007
i was wrong

i was wrong. it didnt give me an error message so i assumed it went through but when i did it, it gave me
"/usr/sbin/install -f /kernel/drv -m 755 -u root -g sys i386/rf
new owner is root
i386/rf installed as /kernel/drv/rf"

when i did the "prtconf -D" to check to see if my driver was there it wasnt. and the config documentation said the driver name needs to be in the dev dir and i couldnt find it there. so i tried copying rf in kernel/drv (which is where it was) into /dev, where it should be right(i think)?
# 13  
Old 11-03-2007
still dont work

and it gives me "ifconfig: plumb: not a stream device" when i do ifconfig rf plumb
# 14  
Old 11-03-2007
Originally Posted by vutty81
and it gives me "ifconfig: plumb: not a stream device" when i do ifconfig rf plumb
1. what does rebooting do?

2. wouldn't you do "ifconfig rtk0 plumb" or "ifconfig rf0 plumb" similar?
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