Automatic login

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Operating Systems Solaris Automatic login
# 1  
Old 10-23-2007
Automatic login problem! urgent !

Hi, Boss
I have a question....

BackGround: i have a shell name xxxLineInput.x
the useage is: xxxLineInput.x -Txxx -Uxxx -Pxxx
when i use the command line..can run normal.
Target: i want to set automatic login, the mean is when i login the as the specifical username the shell can run automatic...

for example: # su test
then automatic login as test and run xxxLineInput.x -T.......

so i modify the /etc/passwd as below:
test:x:101:100:NMC:/XXX/xxxxxx:/XXX/xxx/xxxLineInput.x -Txxx -Uxxx -Pxxx
can not access success.

can anybody help me re-modify the /etc/passwd or give another solution for make this success.?

when i use the #su test
su: no shell


Last edited by surainbow; 10-25-2007 at 06:02 AM..
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chsh(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   chsh(1)

chsh - change login shell SYNOPSIS
chsh [-D binddn] [-P path] [-s shell] [-l] [-q] [-u] [-v] [user] DESCRIPTION
chsh is used to change the user login shell. A normal user may only change the login shell for their own account, the super user may change the login shell for any account. If a shell is not given on the command line, chsh operates in an interactive fashion, prompting the user with the current login shell. Enter the new value to change the field, or leave the line blank to use the current value. Enter none to remove the current value. The current value is displayed between a pair of [ ] marks. The only restrictions placed on the login shell is that the command name must be listed in /etc/shells, unless the invoker is the super- user, and then any value may be added. An account with a restricted login shell may not change their login shell. This version of chsh is able to change the shell of local, NIS, NIS+ and LDAP accounts , if the permissions allow it. OPTIONS
-D, --binddn binddn Use the Distinguished Name binddn to bind to the LDAP directory. The user will be prompted for a password for simple authentica- tion. -P, --path path The passwd file is located below the specified directory path. chsh will use this files, not /etc/passwd. This is useful for exam- ple on NIS master servers, where you do not want to give all users in the NIS database automatic access to your NIS server and the NIS map is build from special files. -s, --shell Specify your login shell. -l, --list-shells Print the list of shells listed in /etc/shells and exit. -q, --quite Don't be verbose. -u, --usage Print a usage message and exit. --help Print a more verbose help text and exit. -v, --version Print version information and exit. FILES
/etc/passwd - user account information /etc/shells - list of valid login shells SEE ALSO
chfn(1), passwd(5), shells(5) AUTHOR
Thorsten Kukuk <> pwdutils February 2004 chsh(1)