dsteam package question

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Operating Systems Solaris dsteam package question
# 1  
Old 10-22-2007
dsteam package question


What is the different between regular solaris package and dstream package? I am not sure about dsteam package. What is it?

thanks in advance
# 2  
Old 10-23-2007
A Solaris package can either be

(a) a specially layed out directory structure containing meta-data, relocatable and fixed files

(b) the same directory structure streamed using cpio and prefixed with a signature

pkgadd can deal with both types, and in the case of (b) has to have room to unpack the stream back into the (a) form prior to installation.

Is (b) what you are refering to?
# 3  
Old 10-23-2007
Thank you for reply. I just joined to new job and I normally install regular packages and never installed dstream packages. Is it good to keep it in dsteam?

Also, how do we set the maxim instances of packages in solaris? We just want to limit the instances of packages. Please advice me.
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