Get list of running network processes

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Operating Systems Solaris Get list of running network processes
# 1  
Old 03-14-2014
Get list of running network processes

Hello All

I am trying to get a list of process or applications runninging on the network only. I should emphasize that im not interested in the application or process if its not using the network.

I tried the good old netstat comand, but im not able to figure out how to list the running processes or application local to the server.

Any one have any ideas?
# 2  
Old 03-14-2014
Well you can try to look at netstat to see what ports are active… then see in /et/services to see who they are...
# 3  
Old 03-14-2014
This should work (requires root privilege of similar).

find /proc/*/fd -type s | nawk -F / '{print $3}' | sort -nu

# 4  
Old 03-14-2014
If you can get the lsof utility installed it's a great choice.

lsof -i                # everybody using the network
lsof -i :80            # everybody using port 80
lsof -i  # everybody using that address

# 5  
Old 03-17-2014
Originally Posted by jlliagre
This should work (requires root privilege of similar).

find /proc/*/fd -type s | nawk -F / '{print $3}' | sort -nu

Hi does this mini script pull process ids of things running on the network only? im tempted to go with this. Let me know.
# 6  
Old 03-17-2014
Originally Posted by busi386
Hi does this mini script pull process ids of things running on the network only? im tempted to go with this. Let me know.
That depends on how you define "running on the network only".
This script will display the PIDs of all processes having an open socket. That will rule out processes not having any network connection but will display services listening to a port even while no connection is currectly open.
# 7  
Old 03-18-2014
Originally Posted by jlliagre
That depends on how you define "running on the network only".
This script will display the PIDs of all processes having an open socket. That will rule out processes not having any network connection but will display services listening to a port even while no connection is currectly open.

Hi, thats what I wanted to hear. I am a bit curious to know which part of the code refers to open sockets?

Here is what I am going to run with:

for pnum in `find /proc/*/fd -type s | nawk -F / '{print $3}' | sort -nu`
 do ps -Ao "pid,user,args" | grep $pnum 

This will give me a detailed output.

Hey thanks for all your help. How do I mark this post as resolved?
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