Editor for working with large files

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Operating Systems Solaris Editor for working with large files
# 8  
Old 02-12-2014
I in such cases ask the users to copy the file on their PC and get a ultraedit license...
(worked so far hehe)
# 9  
Old 02-12-2014
Perhaps you need to split up the file into chunks that vi can manage then. If they need to edit it, then concatenate the pieces back together again when they are done. You could do something like this:-
mkdir /tmp/$$
split -dl 10000 source_file /tmp/$$/
vi /tmp/$$/*
cat /tmp/$$/* > source_file
rm -r /tmp/$$

It's pretty crude and you would need a temporary directory with sufficient space, I admit, but it might help.

If they are non-IT, then perhaps the vi editor is not for them though. Would you consider a Samba share that they can map from a PC and therefore use an editor of their choice? The only worry then is if someone chooses to save in a document format rather than plain text.

# 10  
Old 02-12-2014
Originally Posted by maverick_here
I would say a paid option is also good in this case.This is needed by people who are NON-IT so it would be good if we had an editor rather than sed/awk script.Any suggestions on a non free editor ( for Sparc solaris)
I doubt there is a market for a commercial text editor able to edit +1GB text files while there are undoubtedly freewares able to do it.
What kind of text files are these ?
What kind of editing commands are expected ?
# 11  
Old 03-07-2014
what you want is pico or nano.

vi is for masochists.
# 12  
Old 03-07-2014
vim -n file

does not use a swap file.
These 2 Users Gave Thanks to MadeInGermany For This Post:
# 13  
Old 03-07-2014
I'm for vi then. You have to be a masochist to like working here.....
# 14  
Old 03-07-2014
Originally Posted by MadeInGermany
vim -n file

does not use a swap file.
"vim" is generally not installed on Solaris 10, only a standard conforming "vi" with no "-n" option.
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