Solaris and LWJGL

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Operating Systems Solaris Solaris and LWJGL
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Old 01-13-2014
Java Solaris and LWJGL


I am heading a project called Wurm Online which runs java with LWJGL, which is OpenGL bindings for java. LWJGL has some special binaries for Solaris, and I'm interested in whether they work at all.

I'm an old sysadm and one of the first operating systems I used to work with was Solaris so I keep compatibility for nostalgic reasons. I don't have access to Solaris myself any longer but was hoping any of you could give feedback on whether it works, and if there's a point in us supporting it any longer. Is there any interest at all in games on Solaris?

Best regards,

Code Club AB
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schemagen(1)						      General Commands Manual						      schemagen(1)

schemagen - Java(TM) Architecture for XML Binding Schema Generator Specification Version: 2.0 Reference Implementation (RI) Version: 2.0 ea3 Launching schemagen The schema generator can be launched using the appropriate schemagen shell script in the bin directory for your platform. The current schema generator can process either Java source files or class files. We also provide an Ant task to run the schema generator - see the instructions for using schemagen with Ant. For Solaris/Linux % path/to/jaxb/bin/ ... Note: Writing schema1.xsd For WindowsNT/2000/XP > path ojaxbinschemagen.bat ... Note: Writing schema1.xsd If your java sources/classes reference other classes, they must be accessable on your system CLASSPATH environment variable, or they need to be given to the tool by using the -classpath/-cp options. Otherwise you will see errors when generating your schema. Command Line Options Usage: schemagen [-options ...] <java files> Options: -d <path> : Specify where to place processor and javac generated class files -cp <path> : Specify where to find user specified files -classpath <path> : Specify where to find user specified files -help : Display this usage message Generated Resource Files The current schema generator simply creates a schema file for each namespace referenced in your Java classes. There is no way to control the name of the generated schema files at this time. For that purpose, use the schema generator ant task. See Also o JAXB 2.0: * Release Notes @ * XJC @ * XJCTask @ * SchemaGen @ * schemagenTask @ * Sample Apps @ * Changelog @ o JAXB 1.0.x: * Release Notes @ * Changelog @ o JAXB RI Extensions: * Runtime Properties @ * XJC Customizations @ * Develop Plugins @ o JAXB RI Schema Languages: * W3C XML Schema @ * RELAX NG @ * DTD @ o JAXB Community: * Homepage @ * Developer interest list @ * FAQ @ 07 Aug 2006 schemagen(1)