Wrong time zone for non root user

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Operating Systems Solaris Wrong time zone for non root user
# 1  
Old 12-18-2013
Wrong time zone for non root user

I have a Solaris-11 zone, which is newely build. Since I am in PST time zone, so I set it with this command. It shows me date correctly with correct time zone, but when I switch it to a non root user and run below java command, it is not showing correct time zone. Not sure, how to set it.
root@data_ora56:~# svccfg -s svc:/system/environment:init setprop environment/TZ = astring: US/Pacific
root@data_ora56:~#svcadm refresh svc:/system/environment:init
root@data_ora56:~# grep TZ /etc/default/init
root@data_ora56:~# su - asmtbuser
 asmtbuser@data_ora56:~$ /asm/apps/Oracle/Middleware/10.3.5/jdk160_24/bin/java DateConv
Wed Dec 18 15:34:48 GMT-08:00 2013 
Wednesday, 12/18/2013 03:34 PM GMT-08:00 -----> I want this to be in PST
asmtbuser@data_ora56:~$ date
Wed Dec 18 15:34:56 PST 2013

# 2  
Old 12-19-2013
Originally Posted by solaris_1977
-----> I want this to be in PST
The time zone setting is a simple environment setting of the "TZ" variable, which is otherwise in no way special to the shell. I suppose the setting is not correct because its default is overwritten by some configuration file.

Have a look in ~/.profile, ~/.kshrc, ~/.bashrc and the like. Perhaps somewhere the wrong TZ value is set.

I hope this helps.

# 3  
Old 12-19-2013
What happens when your JAVA_OPTS environmental variable includes "-Duser.timezone=US/Pacific"?
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