Formula calculate scan rate

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Operating Systems Solaris Formula calculate scan rate
# 1  
Old 12-02-2013
Formula calculate scan rate

Hi There,

Just curious here...

If there formula to calculate scan rate on solaris?

# 2  
Old 12-03-2013
The scan rate is a value reported by the kernel. Anything non zero means there was a RAM shortage. The higher the value and the longer it stay non zero, the bigger the shortage.
# 3  
Old 12-03-2013
Originally Posted by jlliagre
The scan rate is a value reported by the kernel. Anything non zero means there was a RAM shortage. The higher the value and the longer it stay non zero, the bigger the shortage.
Hi jlliagre,
Is there any formula to calculate scan rate?
How we relate high scan rate value with swapping activities?
Our Solaris server was hung with very high scan rate values (about 1.1 million scans/second), but swap disk is available for 52 GB from 170 GB. Memory usage is 99% of 64 GB. I don't understand why swap disk is not used when memory is full utilized.
# 4  
Old 12-03-2013
Originally Posted by kris.adrianto
Is there any formula to calculate scan rate?
You don't calculate but just observe it. The kernel is computing its value.
How we relate high scan rate value with swapping activities?
They are highly correlated.
Our Solaris server was hung with very high scan rate values (about 1.1 million scans/second)
With such values, your server must be excessively thrashing and be almost unusable.
but swap disk is available for 52 GB from 170 GB. Memory usage is 99% of 64 GB. I don't understand why swap disk is not used when memory is full utilized.
Swap disk is certainly used.

Please post the output of these commands when the problem occurs:

vmstat 2 2
swap -l
swap -s
echo ::memstat | mdb -k

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