Pls. help with Sun Array 6120

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Operating Systems Solaris Pls. help with Sun Array 6120
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Old 10-02-2013
Pls. help with Sun Array 6120


I am on Sun Edge 6120 Disk array. When I do port listmap.

The failover status below means I have to take action. I never used Sun Array before. Please advice.

port   targetid   addr_type   lun   volume      owner   access
u1p1      1        hard        0    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        1    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        2    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        3    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        4    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        5    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        6    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        7    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        8    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        9    v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        10   v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        11   v0            u1      primary
u1p1      1        hard        12   v1            u2      failover
u1p1      1        hard        13   v1            u2      failover
u1p1      1        hard        14   v1            u2      failover
u1p1      1        hard        15   v1            u2      failover
u1p1      1        hard        16   v1            u2      failover

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment edit by bakunin: moved over to the Solaris Board, where you are hopefully helped better.

Last edited by bakunin; 10-05-2013 at 12:41 PM..
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