Need gcc binary for a SPARC machine

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Operating Systems Solaris Need gcc binary for a SPARC machine
# 8  
Old 09-11-2011
i don't know where you looked around...
# 9  
Old 09-11-2011
Originally Posted by steve701
i am not too familaiar with install process of gcc, would it give one the option to install it locally on a user directory?
Your answer is confusing. Didn't you previously wrote all of sfw was installed but only the gcc command was missing ?
and again, why aren't you simply asking your administrator to install a C compiler ?
# 10  
Old 09-11-2011
1-yes installed, but not by me, by admin.
2-politics / visibility

---------- Post updated at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:24 AM ----------

Dukenuke2: yes thanks for the links, but in description on site says: "The GNU C compiler and related programs - installs in /usr/local"

question is, as non-root, do I have access to install in /usr/local?
# 11  
Old 09-11-2011
You can extract all of the package files anywhere by using the pkgtrans command. If the only component you need is the gcc binary, which I start to doubt seriously, just extract the package in your home directory, /var/tmp, or /tmp, copy gcc somewhere in your PATH, make it executable and you might be done.

I don't get your politic/visibility point. Do you mean you are asking us to help circumventing a security or whatever measure taken by the people administering your machine ?
# 12  
Old 09-11-2011
ok will give that a try later tonight.

no - I have developed a fully working app and using it for a month now - on another machine, but not on the work machine. I want to indicate that to management. Now if I am after installing this stuff now at work, they may start doubting that I have done this over a month now, so I don't want any leakage on that time-frame (through sysadmins). that's all, nothing more.

---------- Post updated at 01:10 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:55 PM ----------

Jilliagre: regarding you dubting that gcc is all I need, then can you explain my question in this post:

Why is gcc missing from </usr/sfw/bin>

why would sysadmin go ahead and remove the gcc out of there?
# 13  
Old 09-11-2011
Steve, there are various reasons why the sysadmin would remove a compiler binary, not least of which is for security purposes. Not all systems need a compiler installed, and if not then there is no reason to leave one on in order to give tools to miscreants who want to build their own versions of system utilities etc. If you want a compiler on your system, you are going to have to talk to your sysadmin.
# 14  
Old 09-11-2011
As far as security goes, removing the compiler is one of the more useless measures that you often hear about. Whatever means are used to install source files for compilation can instead be used to install the compiler binary itself (or any arbitrary executable).

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