How to create metadb with zpool in Solaris 11

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Operating Systems Solaris How to create metadb with zpool in Solaris 11
# 8  
Old 09-08-2011
if you need to create svm mirrors (or other raid level) on external disks, create a "metaset" with these disks and all needed informations are on this disks.

Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide
Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide
# 9  
Old 09-08-2011
Yeah, there isn't much point in setting up your meta database on your ZFS disks. You should have your meta database on the disks that you're actually using for LVM.
# 10  
Old 09-08-2011
also your system seems to be a cluster and if you need to share the disks between the hosts, a metaset or a zpool is the only way (beside a vxvm volume) to achieve this...
# 11  
Old 09-08-2011
Thanks alot guys.. Conclusion is that, if I installed S11 using rpool whole disk, do not fall back on SVM. Instead continue using zfs. If installed OS using UFS with free slice, then use SVM. That's it Smilie
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