loghost could not be resolved

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Operating Systems Solaris loghost could not be resolved
# 1  
Old 09-06-2011
loghost could not be resolved

Hi friends,
I have seen some really annoying error messages since I have installed Solaris, and solved a few of them, with your help. Now, another message pops up in the middle of my work, and says "loghost could not be resolved" Please help me with it. Here are the details for my solaris installation.
My solaris machine gets it's ip address from a dsl router, with hostname as "hostname unknown". I changed my hostname to

As root
echo virtual-solaris > /etc/nodename

And my /etc/hosts file says,

$ cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
::1             localhost       localhost       virtual-solaris # Added by DHCP

I also added the word loghost in /etc/hosts file which read as,

$ cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
::1 localhost localhost virtual-solaris loghost # Added by DHCP

but when I rebooted the machine, it reverted back and loghost was removed, and I am facing the same error.
Please help me.!
# 2  
Old 09-06-2011
Every time you reboot, the solaris server will contact the router dhcp and get the unknown hostname and ip associated with it.
you can simply use the sys-unconfig command and disable dhcp
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